** IF you know someone that wants to "try us out" they can come for 1 free visit. "The more the merrier... and healthier!"
CABALLERO CANYON TRAILHEAD: https://www.yelp.com/biz/
RUN MAP: http://www.mapmyrun.com/
• Caballero Trailhead
• Exit the 101 Fwy at Reseda Blvd in Reseda. Turn South/west and continue on Reseda Blvd to Caballero Trailhead on your left.
•Trailhead is on your left just after St. Moritz; park curbside and use caution crossing the street.
•If you come to the stop sign at Country Club Place, you need to make a u-turn and park.
6:45am - please arrive and sign in.
TRAIL TALK: 7:00am Sharp!
RUN TIME: 7:15am Sharp!
If you arrive late please follow the arrows.
- Runners please turn around at 1h40m or at Trippett Ranch, whichever comes first. This will allow 1:50 to return.
MAXIMUM DISTANCE: 14.7 miles (estimate).
Water and toilets are available at two locations:
• *Musch Camp – Mile 6.30 – there is a water faucet on the right side just before you cross over the asphault service road. There is also a toilet here. A turn-around at this location will give you approximately 12.6 miles.
• *Trippett Ranch – Mile 7.35 (approximate) – There are toilets and water in the parking lot.
*Recommend filling up for the return trip; there is a lot of uphill coming back.
* If you plan to do less than 12.6 miles, you will not have access to water so you will need to carry enough water for your entire run.
This run is a mix of fire road and beautiful single-track-trail. There will likely be some poison oak at the low points on Musch Trail.
• Please do not remove the sign in sheet from the car windshield.
• Please "PRINT" your name legibly.
• Please print the license number of your vehicle. Do not leave this space blank!
• Put an X in the box by your name when you return from your run.
• Failure to check back after your run may result in search & rescue being called, at your expense.
• Please carry enough fluid to allow you to consume +/- 20oz/hour.
• Please get used to carrying two 20oz bottles or equivalent hydration pack. Please do not show up with little tiny water bottles!!!
• Trails will be marked with flour arrows but you could still get lost. Hikers may erase the marks. Other running clubs mark their own arrows too. Fatigue may cause you to miss an arrow. Pay attention to landmarks to identify your location.
• Pacing: You might be a fast runner or you might be a slow runner! You might be a fast runner on the way out and a very slow runner on the way back ;-). Please run at your own pace, following the arrows. You are not expected to "keep up". As most of our runs will be "out-and-back", you are encouraged to go as slow as you need to go on the way "out"; that will help insure that you can come back a little faster.
• Ultra pace is "walk the up hills; jog the flats and down hills".
• If you leave the trail for any reason, please leave your belt or pack on the trail to mark where you went in the bushes. Please remember to "leave only footprints"; pack everything out.
• Everyone runs for "time on their feet". The slowest runners should plan to maintain a pace of 4-mph overall. A cut-off time for each run will be established and if you are a slower runner, you should expect to turn around at the cut-off time and head back to the cars. This means that although the run is tagged at xx number of miles, some of you may actually run fewer miles but will still complete enough "time on your feet" to finish a 50K race.
• Bring a small cooler with some drinks and snacks.
• A folding chair will come in handy as you wait for others to come in.
• It is important for us to be sure that the last runners have made it in safely before leaving. This is the reason we expect you to all sign in and sign out and to respect the imposed turn around cut-off times.
Dear Ahmanson 12Kers!
The location is at the farthest west end of Victory Blvd. If you plug 25000 Victory Blvd. into Waze, it should get you there.
· If taking the 101, please exit at Valley Circle/Mulholland and go east on Valley Circle until you come to Victory Blvd.
· Turn left on Victory and continue until you see cars parked on the street.
· Parking is extremely limited so we highly recommend RIDE SHARING to help get everyone close to the park.
· All parking is free on race day.
· There is no participant parking up at the trailhead.
· This is a residential neighborhood so please be considerate and keep your voices down while you park and walk up to the bib area.
· If you arrive early enough to enter the upper parking area, you will be instructed to park head-in, with both front tires against the curb. Please park in a manner to fit as many cars inside as possible, IOW please don’t leave huge gaps between cars.
· If you arrive a little later, you will need to park parallel to the curb on Victory Blvd. Please try to park in a manner to fit as many cars along the street as possible, IOW please don’t leave huge gaps in front of you.
· You will be parking on a hill so please remember to roll your front tires against the curb and set your parking brake.
*You will see some restricted parking signs along the length of Victory Blvd. WE HAVE OBTAINED RELAXED PARKING FROM THE CITY so you are safe to park all along Victory Blvd. down to Valley Circle. The relaxed parking will be in effect during the hours of 5:00a.m. to 1:00pm.
· Bib pickup and race day registration will open at 6:00AM; race day registration fee is $65, cash only.
· If you are pre-registered, please go to the bib pickup table and stand in the appropriate line for the first letter of your last name. Please present photo ID to pick up your bib.
· If you would like us to keep your dry clothes while you run, we will provide drop bags and marking pens; no valuables please. Unclaimed bags will only be mailed back at the owner’s expense.
· 6:00AM to 7:45AM - Check-in; bib pick up; on-site day registration, space permitting.
· 7:50AM – Proceed to the start line for the announcements.
· 8:00AM – Start time.
· 9:30AM – Awards Presentation (time approximate).
· 11:30AM - Course Closure.
· The course is open to public use on race day. You are likely to encounter hikers, joggers, mountain bikers and equestrians. Participants are always required to give trail access to equestrians (horses).
· Mountain trail runs may be hazardous. Be prepared to encounter uneven footing and rocks. Falls are a possibility. Encounters with wildlife, including rattlesnakes, are possible.
· Due to recent rains, there is rough trail section extending from mile 2.5 to mile 3 (mileage approximate). There is also a large area of trail washout just before mile 3 (approximate). This washout will be marked with hazard tape and all participants need to slow down and take a bypass detour against the hillside before resuming the trail. Please do not attempt to pass other participants during these sections of the trail.
· Temperatures are expected to warm up. Please dress accordingly and wear sunscreen, hats, sunglasses, etc.
· There is one water refill spot at mile 3.5-ish; please bring a bottle or container to carry fluids between stations.
· Medical teams will be stationed at mile 3.5-ish on the racecourse and at the finish line. Please inform the medical team if you experience any symptoms that concern you.
· CA State Parks MBU (Mountain Bike Units) will be roaming the racecourse for your safety. They will be the gals and guys wearing yellow shirts.
· It is not likely that you will get lost on the race course but if you have gone some distance without seeing an arrow or ribbons, please backtrack to the last spot where you saw markings and pick up the trail again.
· We will have sweepers who will travel the race course on foot leaving the start line at 8:15a.m.
· All participants must wear their race bib plainly visible on the front of their body.
· Course distance is not exact. This is a trail run, it is not USAT&F certified.
· The course is on fire roads with some loose dirt. Trail shoes are recommended however they are not required.
· Course cutting is prohibited. We will have volunteers on the course to monitor.
· Course littering is strictly forbidden. Any runner who is witnessed to be littering will have their race number reported to the race director and will be QD’d and banned from participation in future events.
· All participants must adhere to our “no illegal pacing” rule. Illegal pacers are any runners who are not wearing a legal race bib and who are observed to be running with event participants. Pacing via bicycle is forbidden. Pacing rules will be strictly enforced.
· Dogs are not permitted on the racecourse or at "base camp".
· Finishers will receive the coveted A12K Finisher Medal.
· Results will be posted within seven days, on Ultra Signup. You will receive an email.
· Ahmanson 12K Trails is made possible by the generous support of our Sponsors. Please support our sponsors who are displayed on the sponsor page of the race website: http://www.trailrunevents.com.
· This event will be held “rain or shine”.
EARPHONES /BUDS are discouraged by RRCA for their sanctioned events. We have a ONE BUD ONLY rule at A12K; please observe this.
AWARDS PRESENTATION will begin at approx. 9:30am. Runners must be present to receive awards and raffle prizes; they will not be mailed.
Comfort Inn
20157 Ventura Blvd.
Woodland Hills, CA 91364
(818) 347-8080
Courtyard Marriott
15433 Ventura Blvd.
Sherman Oaks, CA 91403
(818) 981-5400
Happy Trails and thank you for supporting the Ahmanson 12K Trails.
Nancy Shura-Dervin
Welcome Ultra Ladies 2017 |
Thank you for bringing us into our 23rd year! Without you this would not be possible.
If you are reading this, you might have at one point in our 23 years, run with the UltraLadies, at least once and wed like to share with you some our new happenings!
As you know, Nancy has been providing UltraLadies with training at no cost, until this point. No one knows better than yourselves, how valuable her years of Ultra Running experience has meant and many you have stories about how her training has made you successful at reaching your goals. Im interested in hearing these stories in the coming weeks.
We are asking that you invest in us this year so we can bring you even more coaching and beautiful running experiences.
When Nancy planted this seed in my head about joining as your Event Director, it went from seed to sequoia in about 20 minutes… on a trail, of course! Hahaha Our business plans meshed seamlessly and we are anxious to share them with you. We have so many beautiful places, distances and finish lines to share with you!
I have been fortunate to finish many Ultra distances and have experienced first hand the benefits that trail running brings for on and off the trail. And what I’ve learned is my success’ would not be a success without our community of Ultra Runners surrounding me every step of the way. You have a very tight knit community that supports you and and I look forward to introducing you to your first Ultra or simply introduce you to a new trail.
It’s not that you can’t do an Ultra without training but how many mistakes are you willing to make, how many dnf(s) (Did not finish) are you willing to encounter, how much down time from injuries are you willing to sit out, how many times will you get lost on a trail and how many finish lines are you going to cross without your friends there to support you?
Look at these awesome benefits:
• Follow a proven training plan for the 50K • Weekly training with the UltraLadies • Ultra Ladies technical running shirt • 25% off all http://www.trailrunevents.com/ for 2017 (value up to $95) ~ Ahmanson 12k – April 15th ~ Valley Crest ½ Marathon – June 11th ~ Bulldog 25K/50K – August 26th ~ Rocky Peak 30K/50K – October 14th • Ultra Running 101 clinics taught by experienced ultra runners • Invitation to the UltraLadies Running retreat scheduled for July (more info coming soon) * 25% off of CarboPro Nutrition (Vegan, non GMO and Gluten free) • Camaraderie with other UltraLadies and Ladies’Men • Confidence building and experience with hands on coaching • UltraLadies Facebook page • Forum on our website (coming soon) • Pacer and Crew connections • Coaches during all training events • Early registration for Grand Canyon R2R “Sept 29- Oct 1” (*more info coming soon)
I’m asking that you help us bring a new program to life.
1) Click below to learn more and join us this year! In addition if you register in Feb. well add your name to a drawing for a Bulldog entry!
2) I’d love to hear your success stories. If you are on Facebook please tell us your story on our UltraLadies page and tag Nancy and myself. If email is your means of communication you can email me your story and a picture to sum things up. (CyndiWyatt13@gmail.com)
3: Forward this email to a friend and share the love of our trails.
4: If you love us please hashtag #ultraladies on social media and help spread the word
5: Friend me on Facebook and learn more about who I am https://www.facebook.com/cyndi.wyatt13
Sincerely, Cyndi Wyatt Event Director UltraLadies Trail Run Events Wilderness First Aid Certified