
Oral Rehydration Salts

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2004 Valley Crest Half-Marathon Race Comments

Bernie Davis, Lynchburg, VA: This one almost qualifies as a trail run. It is entirely on a dusty dirt/gravel road, essentially unused except for mountain bikes, in poor condition, always hilly but not real steep, not as rocky as the jeep trails of the MMTR, a road I would drive with my pickup but not my car. The road runs along a ridgeline. It's actually part of Mulholland Drive. (Very long paved, lower-level stretches of Mulholland Drive extend through the greater L.A. area from either end of this closed section of dirt road.) The race consists of an out-and-back in both directions from the start-finish area. There were a few mountain bikers using the road, but this was no problem. There was no motorized traffic at all. The road afforded a view of the surrounding mountains, but it was always somewhat hazy. Housing developments could sometimes be seen in the distance, but mostly it was undeveloped mountain scenery. In addition to a few bandits, I think there were exactly 253 registered runners. (I was number 253. Helen and I got lost driving to the race and finally arrived just in the nick of time for me to hurriedly register and catch the tail end of the start.) Though it was cool at the start, it soon became quite warm, but I'm used to that. I particularly appreciated the cold water bottles given out at the later aid stations. Aid stations also had fruit, candy, and athletic drinks. Having started out at the very back of the race, I was passing people all during the race with hardly anyone passing me. I was second in my 65-69 age group with a time of 2:26. Race Director’s Note: Bernie, visiting from Virginia, ran the Valley Crest Half Marathon the day after placing third in his 65-69 age group in a time of 1:47:20 at the Fontana Half Marathon.

Rebecca Gallivan: To be honest, I knew I was going to do well for myself in this race. I am a strong runner with a steady pace and I can take the best of them on a hill. Well, hills there are a plenty of in the Valley Crest ½ Marathon. The one towards the end almost did me in. What stood out to me about this race was the camaraderie that I had with the runners around me. I felt like I was running in a pack of wolves. We stayed together and occasionally one person would take the lead, but for the most part it was the man in the orange shorts that lead – just a short ways ahead of the pack – scouting the horizon. From time to time he would turn his head and look over the canyon to the mountainside beyond and say “Look at how beautiful that is”, and we would all look. At one point he commented on how he liked the feel of the earth beneath his feet and that was why he liked trail running. We would all silently observe and run in synch. I would take the lead up the hills – I had to show my girl power! I was amazed at how I wanted to run in this pack. I had no inclination to “shake” these men and run ahead. I was stronger during the run for having them along side me. When we approached the Big Mama of all hills – the hill that seems to never end, we did split up. At this point, there was one man who ran with me almost to the finish. Upon reaching the top of the big hill at around mile 10 and turning back for the final stretch, one woman was in my sites. My now lone running companion commented to me “you can take her – you are stronger”. “I don’t know,” I said. “What if I pass her and there are still two miles to go and I cannot maintain my speed?” “You will,” he said. “You are stronger.” Well, we ran together – strong but exhausted with over two miles to go, and we passed the female runner in black. I never looked back. I ran hard. OF COURSE, there was one last hill before the virtual cliff of a downhill finish. I ran hard tasting the finish of this race and I finished in 1:41:02, 5th female. I was ecstatic! I have thought about this race many times over the past few weeks. As I sit here with a broken toe, I cannot wait to get back out there and train again and be able to run this race again next year. What I appreciate most about this race is that this is a race for people who just truly enjoy running and like to be one with nature. Running a record time is not the primary focus in this race. The terrain and challenge of the course, the coming together with others of like mind and spirit, the high when you reach the top of the summit is the focus of this race. It’s a good one and I will definitely be back in O5. Oh and Edwin Palencia, if you happen to read this, please try to contact me via the Valley Half Marathon site as I would love to train for the 05 LA marathon with you!

Bonnie Ades: That was a great race on Sunday. Well done! Kudos!

Saundra Whitehead (race committee): A woman that works with me ran the Valley Crest 1/2 marathon on Sunday. This morning, she came and found me and she went on and on and on and on about what a great race, how well organized, how well marked and what a good job we all did, she won some socks, and the food was great! She kept saying so much that I was almost blushing. She told me to pass on her appreciation to you and to say that she would be running this race again next year. The Valley Crest was a huge success. You can be proud!

John Medina (Mtn. Goats): Hi Nancy!! Had a great time at your Valley Crest half this morning. It was great to see you, your hubby, Jan, and a few others I hadn't seen in a while. We had a few Mountain Goats doing the race there and we are planning to have a few more at your Bulldog in August. I totally support your club and I think you are doing a great job organizing these races and getting people motivated to participate.

Bonnie Wright (#96): Thanks for a great event. Ralph (#97) and I really enjoyed the challenging course and appreciated all those wonderful volunteers at the aid stations. It was a hot day and they went out of they way to make us feel very pampered. Thanks again for a fun event.

Alex Lamb: Thank you very much for a wonderful event last Sunday. This was my 2nd time running the Valley Crest Half Marathon. I will be sure to enter next year. Again, thank you very much for a well-run event and the excellent raffle prizes. I will be picking up my Montrail shoes from the Starting Line next week.

Arlene Lewis: It was my first Valley Crest 1/2 and I loved every second of it!!!! I can't wait for next year and wish there was another Valley Crest 1/2 this weekend already. Great course, great aid stations, enough porta-potties, easy registration, fun post-race food and awards ceremony! I'm going to call it a Goldilocks race… it was just right! Thank you Nancy and all UltraLadies and volunteers for putting on such a terrific race!

Gloria Roberts: Thanks for a great event. It was my first Valley Crest Half Marathon and I have been telling everyone in my running group in Orange County what a nice race you've put on. The course, though challenging, was fun, and the support and camaraderie was wonderful. Thanks again.

Mike Martin: I am at work still nursing some sore muscles, but thought I would take a break from my whining to say that I had a BLAST! This is the second year I've run this event and once again you put on a fun race. I was real glad to find the aid stations so well stocked and manned by the friendliest volunteers. Last year I tripped on the course and came in bloodied, but this year I remembered where that spot was, and avoided a spill. Any way thanks again for a great race and I plan to participate every year!

Ellen Kukuchka: Congratulations on a successful third outing! And all those prizes - woweee! Everybody walked away feeling like a winner! The volunteer staff is stellar as always and the participants are polite, friendly and still manage to post some impressive times. It's nice to see this race is attracting some bona fide fast runners. Great job and I'll see you on the trails...

Jerry Vicich: Thank you, thank you!!! That was a great time even though my time wasn't so great. What a well organized and beautiful run. I've only been in a dozen or so official runs but this one is by far my favorite. See you next year!


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