The challenging and popular Bulldog runs consist of two races - the 50K Ultra Run and the 25K Trail Run, which are conducted simultaneously. Come join us and run in the beautiful scenic Santa Monica Mountains recreational area for the "original" Bulldog Trail Runs beginning at our base camp in Malibu Creek State Park, Malibu California.
We look forward to you joining us for a memorable day in Malibu Creek State Park.
RRCA 50K Awards to Male/Female Winners, as follows:25K Awards:
Training runs will be at Malibu Creek State Park and will begin at 7:00am. We will mark the course with flags and arrows however the course markings are not guaranteed to be accurate given the fact that hikers sometimes tamper with markings. There is no water on the race course; you must carry enough fluid for your entire run (recommend 20oz per hour of running. Race Management assumes no responsibility for your safety on these runs; you are running at your own risk!
Meet outside the park on Las Virgenes Road at the graded area just before the flashing light. Look for the large sign that says "Santa Monica Mountains". If you come to Mulholland Highway, you've gone too far. We will meet here at 6:45 AM for a photo-op before walking into the park at 7:00 AM. Please lock your vehicles and do not leave any valuables in plain sight.
Contact the Race Director: