Race Rules
Please understand that the privilege of retaining our permit for the Bulldog races depends upon monitoring an expectation for behavior at this event. At least two other 50K/25K trail runs in the park no longer exist because the park service refused to issue permits for one reason or another but the original Bulldog remains since 1992! We respectfully ask for your cooperation in following the race rules yourself and enforcing the same rules on your fellow competitors.
- Event fees are non-refundable, non-transferrable and non-deferrable for any reason including event cancellation. You will agree to this condition with you sign your registration waiver.
- No race day registration. We need to have our numbers firmly set when we do our grocery shopping.
- No baby joggers.
- No dogs.
- No alcohol.
- No smoking; Sheesh!
- Age of runner must be at least 18 unless approved by the Race Director.
- Race changes may be done by notifying the R.D. before August 10. 25K runners may move up to the 50K before August 10 assuming they pay the difference in race fees.
- 50K drop down to the 25K is allowed after the start of the race with the following conditions: #1) 50K runner will surrender their bib pull tag to the volunteer at the Finish Line Turnoff. #2) After crossing the finish line, immediately tell the Race Timer that you are a 50K drop down. #3) The difference between the 50K & 25K start times will be deducted from the runners actual finish time. #4) Runner will not be eligible for overall or age division awards. #5) Runner may not set course records of any kind. #6) Runner will receive a 25K finisher medal. #7) Runners 25K time will be recorded in the race results with an *, indicating they were 25K dropdown.
- Bulldog is a "solo" event; Runners may not receive aid of any kind, outside of the official aid stations. Violators may be subject to DQ.
- No crewing. Violators may be subject to DQ.
- No pacing. Violators may be subject to DQ.
- No barefoot running and/or toed running shoes; no exceptions! Minimialist, closed toe running shoes are permitted.
- Race briefing: Please listen; No talking!
- Race Permits: The Bulldog Trail Runs are permitted by California State Parks and National Park Service and is subject to abrupt cancellation prior to the event and/or during the event under circumstances including but not limited to Red Flag Alert, high temperatures, or excessive heat index. In the event of cancellation prior to race day, efforts will be made to reschedule the race although this cannot be guaranteed. In the event of HIGH HEAT WARNING on race day, race management reserves the right to modify the 50K race down to 25K either before or after the start of the 50K. In this event, all 50K runners will be given credit for finishing the 25K.
- Reporting injuries/accidents/rule violations... get a bib number!
- No transferring of bibs to another runner; this is the same as "banditing".
- No early starts. 25K bibs may not be picked up before 6:30am.
- 50K Second Loop: All runners must report their bib number out loud, upon exiting each aid station beginning with STATION #4.
- 50K runners must have their race bib marked by the volunteers at STATION #4; failure to do so may result in DQ.
- WATER requirements: ALL RUNNERS are REQUIRED to carry at least one 20oz bottle or equivalent hydration pack; 50Kers are ENCOURAGED to carry two 20oz bottles or equivalent pack; any runners who are noted to be without their water will have their bib numbers recorded and will be disqualified at the finish line.
- Music: Per RRCA insurance requirements, Bulldoggers must agree to use one bud only. Please remove ear buds for the Race Briefing
- RISK: You will run at your own risk. You assume any and all financial responsibility that may be incurred in the event you require emergency evacuation from the racecourse, including but not limited to air evacuation.
- Race Drops: In the event that you drop out of the race, you are responsible to notify race volunteers and turn in your race bib tag at the nearest checkpoint or the finish line. Runners who fail to comply with this rule will assume financial responsbility for search and rescue expenses.
- Safety: In the event you must leave the trail for any reason please leave something on the trail (ie.; water belt, bottle, hat, shorts), so the course sweepers know you are off trail and will not pass you up.
- No littering. If you observe any runner drop litter on the course, you agree to chase them down and get their bib number to report to officials at the next aid station. Offending runners will be disqualified from the race and will be banned from future participation.
- No arguing with Race Officials; No rudeness: All volunteers are "Race Officials".
- Bring proof of registration (your online confirmation letter or cancelled check) and a form of identification to the bib-pick up table.
- Bibs: Wear your bib number on the front of your person. Runners not displaying their bib number on the front of their person will be considered as “bandits”. Runners who wear a bib number that is "out of sequence" will be DQd (yes, this has happened in the past). Runners who do not have a bib tag attached to their race bib at the finish line will not be "official" finishers.
- Crewing is not permitted for these events. No outside assistance may be given to any runner except in emergent situations. No outside drop bags allowed.
- No race spectating at aid stations with the exception of STATION #4. Spectating here must be inside the fire gate and must not be in the vicinity of the aid station.
- AWARDS: First Place Overall Male/Female will receive Champion Awards; Age Division Awards will go to First, Second, Third place Male/Female finishers in 10-year divisions; RRCA State Championship Awards go to First Place Male/Female Open, Masters, Grand-Masters, Senior-Masters.
- 50K drop bags are permitted at Station #4 inside MCSP; there will be a drop bag truck/vehicle parked near the Penske truck before the race start. Please bring "bags"; no ice coolers. Label your bag with your LAST NAME. Unclaimed bags will have their contents trashed or donated.
- Awards must be claimed at presentation; they will not be mailed. Please present your race bib when collecting awards.
- Violation of any of the above rules will result in your disqualification, aka DNF.
- All rules are non-negotiable and there are no exceptions to the rules. The race officials and aid station volunteers reserve the right to enforce rules and/or to create new rules, as necessary, up to and including on race day.