
Oral Rehydration Salts


Budding Ultra Lady!

by Renee Lowe

I'm a budding ultra lady in north Georgia. I began running at age 36, for the first time in my life February of last year and am running my first 50K this October (Rock Creek Stump Jump).

I really appreciate your posting this plan. I know you are not in my area and are likely a very busy person...so again I really do appreciate your help. It has been almost impossible to find other ladies...much less trainers in my area that deal with ultra distances. Mostly I just get asked if I'm "high", or goggled at as a freak when I ask or look for fellow runners. Not that I mind.....because not matter what, I know that it is what I most want to do! Thanks and I look forward to hearing from you!

Renee Lowe

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